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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NE/F005083/1
Title Predicting the fate of CO2 in geological reservoirs for modelling geological carbon storage
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(CO2 Capture and Storage, CO2 storage) 100%;
Research Types Basic and strategic applied research 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Professor BWD (Bruce ) Yardley
No email address given
School of Earth and Environment
University of Leeds
Award Type R&D
Funding Source NERC
Start Date 01 October 2008
End Date 30 September 2013
Duration 60 months
Total Grant Value £573,282
Industrial Sectors No relevance to Underpinning Sectors; Transport Systems and Vehicles
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Environmental Risks and Hazards, Global Change, Natural Resource Management, Pollution and Waste
Investigators Principal Investigator Professor BWD (Bruce ) Yardley , School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds (100.000%)
Web Site
Objectives The following grants : NE/F002645/1, NE/F004699/1, NE/F002823/1, NE/F005083/1 are all linked to each other

The main objective of this proposal is to determining the nature and kinetics of fluid-rock interactions between CO2-rich brines and rocks, in field settings as well as in laboratory experiments, in order to formulate and test models of the behaviour and fate of CO2 injected in geological strata. To do this we need to determine the processes which moderate the fluid-mineral reaction kinetics, particularly the nature of the processes which result in much more sluggish kinetics in field settings compared with the predictions from laboratory experiments. The ultimate objective is to create a database and methodology that enables the results of this study to b e used in risk assessments and performance modelling of geological carbon storage sites.

To achieve these main objectives we will need to carry out the following:

  1. Evaluate natural (CO2 natural gas reservoirs) and anthropogenic (CO2 injection EOR - Enhanced Oil Recovery) sites as analogues for geological CO2 storage. As necessary, determi n e the hydrology and the nature of the CO2-fluid to reservoir brine interactions in these sites and characterise the reservoir mineralogy, mineral characteristics that might control reaction rates (e.g. mineral surface areas and topologies) and fluid-mineral reactions by using a range of mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic analytical techniques.
  2. Carry out laboratory expe r i ments on reservoir materials, cap rocks and single minerals to investigate mineral-fluid reactions and reaction kinetics under controlled conditions and to test the reactions and reaction kinetics inferred from the field-scale studies.
  3. Perform laboratory experiments to make detailed measurements of noble gas solubility in, and partitioning between, supercritical and liquid CO 2 and brine and extend the data available for the natural analogues to include high precision noble-gas isotopic and concentration data. This data will inform modelling of the hydrology of the natural CO2 reservoirs.
  4. Utilise existing and develop improved thermodynamic modelling of both equilibrium and kinetically-rate limited mineral-fluid reactions to a) relate there sults of field-based and laboratory experiments, b) enable more general application of the results from this and other studies to specific field sites and c) use the laboratory and field results to test the applicability of widely used thermodynamic models for mineral reaction rates.

This proposal is to use natural geological examples to evaluate the fate and ultimate safety of disposing of carbon-dioxide deep underground in geological formations. Separation of carbon-dioxide from power station fuels or exhaust products, and the injection and storage of the CO2 underground in geological formations is an economical and practical way for global society to manageenergy supplies while transforming to a low carbon economy. The existence of geological sites where natural carbon-dioxide has remained stored for millions of years suggests removal for more than the 10000-year period needed to protect climate maybe practical and safe. However the processes which govern the fate of carbon-dioxide in brine-filled aquifers are complex and to guarantee the safety and efficiency of  the storage it is necessary to be able to predict these over the ~ 10000 year storage period, a time much longer than industry currently models reservoir processes.

Many of the processes which operate on supercritical or gaseous carbon-dioxide underground may enhance its storage potential. The buoyant CO2 will dissolve in the formation brines to form denser CO2-saturated brine which will sink. The CO2-saturated brine is relatively reactive but current models suggest that the reactions with carbonate and silicate minerals in the reservoir will ultimately lead to a significant proportion of the CO2 being precipitated as carbonate minerals stored permanently. However the CO2-charged brines may also reactwith the caprocks which retain the carbon-dioxide and it is not known whether this will enhance the seals by mineral precipitation or degrade them by mineral dissolution. A major limitation in our ability to predict these fluid-mineral reactions is that the reactions proceed slowly at variable rates (days or months to many years) and our knowledge of the reaction rates in real field settings isvery limited. This project will study fluids and gasses from natural carbon-dioxide reservoirs and, where possible, from sites where carbon dioxide is being actively injected underground, to determine the rates of the mineral-fluid reactions in natural settings. We will duplicate the reactions in laboratory experiments where it will be possible to study the processes under controlled conditions,study individual reactions from the complex set of coupled reactions which take place in the natural rocks and examine the effects of varying potential rate-controlling parameters. The ultimate objective is to inform site assessment, risk and monitoring for geological carbon storage. The research will benefit other areas of the environmental sciences where rates of kinetically-limited fluid-mineralreactions govern important processes.

Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 11/10/10